Improve the efficiency of your seminar

We created a new seminar formula. For better and longer effects.

Seminars are important !

  • They allow exchanges between professionals,
  • A training to best practices,
  • To meet or to get to know each other better,
  • To set up a strategic view.

The first challenge of a successful seminar

The success of a seminar is above all fuelled by the attention of the audience. A lacklustre audience means that the messages are not (or very partially) understood. Thus, our secret is to manage to involve the participants to encourage their interest for the activities.

Main goal: improve concentration during conferences.

Making sure that the beginning of the seminar is good is an important point. But the most important is keeping up with the pace by setting some highlights.

Practical example of an international seminar in Barcelona

We had the opportunity to work several times with Bemis. For example, we organised a table activity with our Dinner Play. The following year, Bemis chose Barcelona for its team seminar.

They entrusted us with the following important goal:

  • improve the transmission of messages,
  • increase the memorisation of value proposition
  • ….

The secondary goal was obvious: discovering the city

Barcelona is a fascinating city which deserves to be showed to the participants.

If this goal seems to go without saying, yet it’s not that obvious. A lot of international seminars have such a tight schedule that it is often impossible to visit the city.

Visiting the city is not always easy. Indeed, a lot of participants at those seminars only see the concrete walls of the airports, of the conference hall and of their hotels. The thing is that the schedule is often tight.

Our solution: change the dynamic of the seminar!

  • Increase the diversity of the conference venues;
  • Reduce the audience at each session;
  • Intersperse work and reflection with moments of interaction and of fun discoveries

How did we proceed for this international seminar?

Concretely, we booked four different venues in the city centre and we turned them into playgrounds (see our City Play activity) and we inverted the dynamic.

The speakers meet the participants:

The speakers don’t come to meet the audience in a single venue anymore. It is the audience, divided into groups who goes to a given venue to meet each speaker.

Bemis - Arrival

Rhythm through strolls:

Every hour, a 20 or 30-minute conference.

Between the conferences, the participants go for a fun stroll to discover the city. During those strolls, each team can score points to win the trophy at the end of the day.

Bemis - Urban Game - Bicycle

Those strolls to discover the city are only an excuse to direct the teams from one conference venue to an other one while breathing some fresh air.

Bemis - Urban Game

Heading towards an activity with a smile.

The day went like this:

  • the participants were more focused during work sessions,
  • more relaxed in general,
  • they discovered a city
  • they got to know each other better.

Diner: time to gather everyone

In the evening, during diner, the photos and videos taken by the teams during their strolls were showed and trophies were awarded consequently.

An excellent ice-breaker to start the evening.

The question of the cost of the event arises

Indeed, we use several conference venues so it increases the costs, right?

Not necessarily: the venues are also smaller, as the audience is divided in groups.

The advantage is twofold as it allows to turn the venues into something more informal (and something more unexpected, more cordial and more convivial) and to decrease the budget for each venue.

You want to offer or live a “new generation” seminar too? You want to increase your efficiency while discovering a city? Contact us!

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